Bradford & District
Skating Club
Board of Directors
The Bradford & District Skating Club is a Skate Canada sanctioned club, run by a volunteer Board of Directors. Please consider volunteering your time; you could be instrumental in shaping the future of the club! It is a challenging and rewarding way to be involved in skating.
The current Board is comprised of the following volunteers:
President: Vacant
Vice President: Vacant
Treasurer: Vacant
Membership Chair: Jen MacPhee
Skate Canada Test Chair: Vacant
StarSkate Co-ordinator: Jen MacPhee
Publicity Chair: Amy Blundell-Wry
Secretary: Vacant
Coach's Representative: Rotational basis
Fundraising/Club Events Chair: Larissa Obidin
What are the roles of the Board of Directors?
The Bradford & District Skating Club is a not-for-profit organization constituted under the authority of Skate Canada.
The Board of Directors is made up entirely of volunteers elected by members of the club at the Annual General Meeting in the fall. Board members fulfill the following responsibilities:
The President chairs the meetings, and generally provides the overall leadership and direction for the club.
The Vice President provides support and direction to the Club in all areas, participates on committees, and acts on behalf of the President in her or his absence.
The Treasurer prepares the budget and authorizes expenses.
The Secretary drafts the agenda, records minutes of Board meetings and summary of action items.
The Test Chair organises test days and communicates with SkateCanada
The Coaches’ Representative attends all Board meetings, and brings the coaches’ issues and concerns to the attention of the Board.